Days for Girls Mission

Sixteen women from several different Auburn congregations worked together in the Trinity Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall on October 5th to sew hygiene kits for impoverished girls and women around the world.

Dot Rivett of Brownville explained the background and mission of the Days for Girls organization that will be distributing the kits. She also instructed the participants on the sewing process. "We made a good start on reaching our goal of 50 kits at the October 5th event."

A second sewing day will be scheduled, but likely not until early 2017.

Cash donations for the project have been received from women's organizations of six congregations in Nemaha county, including Auburn Christian Church; St. Matthew's Lutheran, Johnson; Zion Lutheran, Johnson; St. Paul Lutheran, Auburn; St. John's Lutheran Stone Church, Johnson; and Trinity Lutheran, Auburn.

Anyone desiring information about Days for Girls is encouraged to visit

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